Indigenous Community
Indigenous Community
By: Gregory A. Cajete
Indigenous Community explores how community is the foundation and lifeblood of Indigenous education as well as the path to sustainable ways of life.
Title information
In the words of Greg Cajete, the author, "What I want Indigenous readers to get is that, along with our efforts to revitalize culture and language, we must also revitalize and sustain our sense for community, because it is the context in which culture and language flourish. We must once again create a process for community leadership and develop toward this goal. We can develop ways to do this through a contemporary form of community-based education. For the non-Indigenous reader, I hope they will realize that community is indeed the medium and the message for contemporary efforts toward building sustainable community. Historically, Indigenous communities have reflected elegant and authentic forms of resilient sustainable community."
Gregory A. Cajete
Gregory Cajete is a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of Indigenous knowledge in education. Dr. Cajete is a Tewa Indian from Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico. He worked at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico, for twenty-one years. In 1995, he was offered a position in American Indian education at the University of New Mexico's College of Education. Currently, he is director of Native American Studies and a professor in the Division of Language, Literacy, and Socio-Cultural Studies in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Cajete has authored seven books: Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education, (1994); Igniting the Sparkle: An Indigenous Science Education Model, (1999); Spirit of the Game: Indigenous Wellsprings (2004); A People’s Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living; and Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence (1999 and 2000). With Don Jacobs (Four Arrows) and Jongmin Lee, he has also authored Critical Neurophilosophy and Indigenous Wisdom (2009). Dr. Cajete has made over 200 national and international presentations.

Praise for Indigenous Community
Gregory Cajete has provided another must-read book for educators seeking a comprehensive theory and action to Indigenous education. In clear, coherent, and accessible style, he answers the most important education quest today: what kind of pedagogy can maintain and revitalize the Indigenous peoples in the 21st century? Twofold: Comprehend Indigenous peoples’ historical trauma and reclaim Indigenous ways of thinking, teaching, and learning from a context of community, land, and spirit. Done!
— Marie Battiste, Mi’kmaw educator, University of Saskatchewan
Greg Cajete’s message is powerful and convincing—our struggle should not just be about transforming ourselves into something new but also to regenerate the power of our Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and sustaining ourselves and our environment.
— Distinguished Professor Hingangaroa Smith, PhD Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Aotearoa, NZ
I believe this book will energize the Indigenous spirits and the consciousness of humans. Communities will feel the acceleration and transform Gregory’s ideas into action.
— James [Sa’ke’j] Youngblood Henderson, Chickasaw Nation Native Law Centre of Canada